Thank you for your prayers and support for the Caneille.Haiti Medical Clinic. The picture above was taken this weekend after a joint team of masons from Cornerstone Chapel, Calvary Chapel Burbank, and about 25 hard working Haitians spent a long week working long days to put up the walls to the clinic. Isn't it beautiful?! It certainly is to the people of Caneille. Our next step is to "raise the roof". This will cost $20,000 so we will need to raise the money before we can move forward. We are planning a big fundraiser in October and I will let you know the details soon. If you would like to help fund raise or donate, please email me.
God continues to amaze me with how he is putting this all together. All glory to Him for what He has done and what He will do!
In His service,
Julie Gibbs