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Caneille Haiti Medical Mission is a non-profit organization created to bring medical help to the central plateau of Haiti. Julie Gibbs, RN, has been going to Haiti with a team of volunteers every year since the devastating earthquake in 2010. The group is made up of people, medical and non-medical, from all over the country who have a heart to share God's love with the Haitian people. 

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Bringing hope to Haiti


Every year since 2010, we have raised money to travel to Caneille, Haiti, and set up a temporary clinic to provide free medical care to the people in that area.

Last year we treated over 1300 patients in just 4 days! 

This past July we broke ground on a dream that we've had for many years to have a permanent clinic there in Caneille. This is a very exciting time as we've seen the foundation dug, concrete poured, plumbing in, walls built, and now, the roof being built! God is providing the money, the expertise, and the laborers to build this awesome project from all over the country.

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